Tom Wiggins - Water in the Moonlight

Water in the Moonlight

"Blind Tom" was born a slave. (He is also known as Thomas Bethune, using the name of his slave master.) Already at a young age did he display a talent for playing the piano. Mr Bethune took him on tour, making tons of money off him. (There is a recent article in the New York Times giving this history.) Some of his compositions are fairly outrageous for the age, using sound effects to depict their subject matter. This piece, Water in the Moonlight, is fairly moderate, using rippling arpeggios.

This arrangement for 8 recorders SAATBBGC has both melodies and tricky arpeggios in all but the lowest parts. It was originally offered to my Patreon supporters, and is now for sale on Score Exchange.

First two measures of the score